Monday, August 30, 2010

Day 71

Today was easy. I spent the morning doing chores - oil change and the like and the middle of the day plotting my cemetery crawl for tomorrow. I will head from here to the coast and Scituate to find Rev. Jeremiah Cushing's grave and then back track to Hingham. Sounds odd but the Hingham Historical Museum doesn't open until 11. After lunch I will head inland and south to Attleboro looking for Richardsons and Blackintons. If it is a good day, I will have 6 solid photos in my camera to share tomorrow.

Finally, I will make my way to Mystic, CT for this week and the Labor Day weekend. My motel room will have to do triple duty as a base for some fun time on the beach, some Peabody and Coats searching in Stonington, and some paid work. Yes, my Minnesota clients can't live without me so I have a couple of grants to write in the next 3 weeks. Good for the pocketbook and my ever present need to learn balance in my life.

Cynthia and Doug have been marvelous hosts. Hopefully, I haven't worn out my welcome. There is much more family information to be mined in the Boston area.

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